Flip Tips
Monthly tuition payments are due the first of each month. There is no additional charge for months that have more than the normal number of class days. There is also no deduction for months that have less than normal class days, or holiday closings.
If we have not received your payment by the 10th of every month a $10 late fee will be applied to your account and if it remains unpaid, your credit card will be processed on the 15th for the balance owed on the account.
Accounts without a valid credit card on file will be charged 12% more per month.
Membership fees and tuition cannot be refunded, pro-rated or adjusted.
A 30 day WRITTEN notice of withdrawal will be required in order to withdrawal from class, and all tuition payments will be due until the end of that notice.
*If you are interested in our competitive team tuition, feel free to call our front desk at 843-249-5867 or email gymandmore@yahoo.com
When you tell someone about GYMNASTICS & MORE, and they enroll in one of our classes, YOU will receive a $5.00-off coupon good for your next month’s tuition. Just ask your friend to mention your name when they register. There is no limit to the number of friends you can refer! Share the joy of fitness and fun that gymnastics, dance and cheerleading brings. Please tell a friend about us! You’ll not only be helping your friends, but also yourself, the children and Gymnastics & More!
Failure to pay tuition forces us to take action in ways we wish to avoid. Failure to pay may result in your child’s removal from class, and your outstanding bill being turned over to a collection agency or small claims court. IF YOU HAVE A SPECIAL SITUATION, PLEASE CALL OUR BUSINESS OFFICE AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. We will try our best to work with you.
Please make any change requests in writing, using our class change form available at the front desk. We will discuss the change with you as soon as possible, and do our best to accommodate any change situations.
Gymnastics & More does not require you to sign a years contract or buys a lifetime membership, but we do ask for a 30-day advance, written notice of withdrawal. This allows our staff to organize lesson plans, maintain the quality of our classes, keep our student-teacher ratios low, and admit children on waiting lists to join a class as soon as possible. Parents are responsible for all tuition until the end of their 30 day notice. Your child is considered enrolled in their class until August of the following year.
Just like college, your tuition pays for a class spot, regardless of attendance. Tuition reductions cannot be granted for missed classes. However, as a courtesy, Gymnastics & More students may make up a missed class with a free hour of FUN GYM (limited to two free hours per month).
Proper clothing is essential for your child to perform safely and successfully. Please follow the guidelines listed below:
* Girls may wear a leotard or gym shorts and a t-shirt/tank top.
* Hair should be neatly secured away from face and eyes.
* Boys may wear gym shorts and a t-shirt
* Most students prefer to do gymnastics barefoot, but gymnastics shoes or cotton socks may be worn.
* Appropriate dance shoes are to be worn for dance classes and cheerleading shoes for cheer classes.
* Warm ups may be worn over proper clothing, but the instructor may ask for its removal if it hinders safety.
* Please do not bring jewelry, food, gum or drinks into the gym.
Please arrive at least 5 minutes before class starts. Being late is far more difficult on a child than what many parents may realize. We ask that you walk your child into the building for class and that you walk into the building to pick him/her up after class. Please check in at the front desk, so we know that you and your child are here.
All students should wait in the lobby, with their parents, for class to start. Please do not leave children unsupervised. Parents may leave or view class from our balcony after the instructor has called your child into class. Please arrive to pick up your child, before class is over. Children are their parent’s responsibility before and after their child’s class.
Gymnastics & More is one of the few organizations that allow parents and friends to observe classes. Please feel free to watch classes from our viewing balcony. We are proud of how we teach your children.
For obvious safety and insurance reasons, no parents will be allowed into the gym area. Siblings who come to watch class are their parents responsibility, and cannot be left unsupervised.
Please refrain from coaching, talking to, or getting your child’s attention in any way during class. Interrupting classes could cause safety problems. If you need your child, please contact the person at the front desk and he/she will assist you.
Gymnastics & More does not take responsibility for any children left unsupervised before or after classes or special programs. However, if a child does remain at our facility unsupervised, before or after a scheduled program, you will be assessed $5.00 per 15 minute fee. This fee must be paid upon your arrival. If no authorized adult can be reached within one hour of the class, we are required to call social services.
Please call 843-249-JUMP if you are going to be late. REMEMBER, YOUR CHILD WORRIES ABOUT YOU WHEN YOU ARE LATE.
At Gymnastics & More, we use discipline rather than punishment in all situations. If a situation continues to be an ongoing problem, we may ask the advice of the parent. Any time the behavior jeopardizes the safety of your child, other students or staff, we will ask that the child be removed from the class. We use time out to encourage good behavior. Gymnastics & More reserves the right to refuse participation or dismiss any student from the program.
Gymnastics & More reserves the right to change policies and/or prices.
Gymnastics & More reserves the right to change or cancel classes or programs.
Gymnastics & More reserves the right to change staff or have substitute instructors.